Festivum Cichlids
(Mesonauta festivus)
Festivum cichlids or Flag Cichlids are attractive fish that sport a handsome look. Due to their distinctive appearance and intriguing and unique behaviors, these fish are very popular among Cichlid lovers. Not only do they look amazing, but Festivum cichlids are also relatively peaceful fish, making them an interesting and welcome addition to a South American community tank. Like most South American Cichlids, these fish are adaptable, can thrive in various water conditions, and are usually pretty darn easy to care for. However, no matter what “hardy” or “easy to care for” fish is, every pet deserves our attention and husbandry. So, if you’re thinking about adding a Flag Cichlid to your tank, there are a few things you should know about their care requirements first. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about Festivum cichlid care, from their diet and habitat needs to their breeding behaviors. By the end, you’ll be an informed owner