- Tropical Fish
Black and White Betta
- $20.00 – $50.00
- (Betta Splendens) Siamese Fighting Fish, also known as Bettas, are a popular freshwater aquarium fish due to their beautiful colorations, various fin shapes, and ease of care.
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- Tropical Fish
Black Ghost Knife Fish
- $130.00
- (Apteronotus albifrons)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCWePjZyYRk
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- Tropical Fish
Blue Diamond Discus
- $150.00 – $300.00
- (Symphysodon Aequifasciatus)
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- Tropical Fish
Blue Dragon Scale Betta
- $20.00 – $50.00
- (Betta Splendens) Siamese Fighting Fish, also known as Bettas, are a popular freshwater aquarium fish due to their beautiful colorations, various fin shapes, and ease of care.
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- Tropical Fish
Full Moon Betta
- $20.00 – $50.00
- (Betta Splendens)
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- Tropical Fish
White Blue Betta
- $20.00 – $50.00
- (Betta Splendens) Siamese Fighting Fish, also known as Bettas, are a popular freshwater aquarium fish due to their beautiful colorations, various fin shapes, and ease of care.
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- Tropical Fish
Albino Discus
- $150.00
- (Symphysodon, colloquially) This peaceful strain has reddish-orange eyes and a gorgeous over a white to cream base colour.
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